Short Love Story A Shy Girl Falls In Love With Gangster

Title of the Story A Shy Girl Falls In Love With Gangster
Story Duration 20 Min
Genre Love Story, Short Story

“A Shy Girl Falls In Love With Gangster”, Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Short Stories: Love, Morals, and Fun.

This story begins with 👧 girls sitting in a classroom, where the teacher angrily picks out a few students. She calls them name by name and puts them in one line. When the teacher asks a girl some questions, she is helped by her friend, whose name was Babi. It does not take too long before she gets caught. On the other hand, we see lots of hustle at night with lots of bikes, 👧👦 girls, and boys. These are Babi’s parents and this is her sister. This is Hugo Olivera. He is a very popular guy around town and known for being brave and handsome. He is indulged in a competition with other guys. Hugo is the only one who wins the pull-up competition and makes his mates happy. Meanwhile, Babi is greeted by her friends and they all start to dance and celebrate. Right after, he is invited to a so-called rich people’s party and they all decide to join. A guy from the party looks interested in Babi, where he approaches her and calls her beautiful. He used to date her in the past and is looking for forgiveness, but she does not seem too interested. All the gang decides to just come into the party and ruin the peace. Hugo’s eye catches Babi and her ex-boyfriend, which makes him smile. One of the guys from the party was stealing from a purse; suddenly a girl arrives and caught him red-handed. She does not mind him taking 50 euros from her purse, but when he tells her to go to lunch, she gets angry at him and walks away. 🎒🍔
Hugo walks up to Babi and proceeds to talk to her about the incident last time. He once called her by a bad name and made her uncomfortable. He continues to call her the same name and she reacts by throwing the drink on him. When her ex laughs, Hugo ends up pushing him and breaking the table. He picks Babi on his shoulders and starts to walk outside. Hugo throws her inside the swimming pool, while his friends are fighting off guys inside the party. The guy ends up calling the cops and they leave, but not before Hugo tells her that they will bathe together next time. Babi also cannot escape because her dress is very revealing due to water. Later when Babi and the guy were leaving, he reveals that it was all a setup by him to spend some time with her. But little did he know that this trick of his would not work, since all of them came back to destroy the guy’s car. The guy ends up hitting one of their gang members, which was being followed by Hugo. He does not waste more time and starts to teach him a lesson, while Babi starts calling people to get some help. An old man tried to help, but this does not go too well for himself, so they also leave. At last, Babi does not have any choice than to take it into her own hands and she grabs Hugo from the back. Taking his chance, the guy takes his car and leaves Babi behind. Hugo teases her for a good minute until she asks for a ride from an unknown guy, who looks very sketchy. Seeing this, Hugo shoos him away. He finally gives her a ride and when she reaches home, she is met with her mother. He reveals what actually happened inside the car. Her sister reveals that this is Hugo, also known as Hero around the Town. 🏊‍♂️👗🚗
Next day, Hugo wakes up in the morning and manages to steal some money from his brother, who also reminds him of dinner with their dad before he leaves. Babi’s friend Katina sees Hugo and his friend and calls him out for stealing her allowance. She complains to him for stealing the money to Hugo, but he could not care less. It looks like Katina is happy to go to lunch with the guy. Hugo also expects her to invite him to a nice place, but she is annoyed by him and leaves. Hugo later joins his father for dinner and gets to know that his brother is late and his mother is on a trip with a friend. He goes inside his old room and starts to imagine all the past scenarios. Hugo used to be a brilliant student, but something happened in his life that changed his personality and he moved in with his brother. Babi is upset that yesterday she dumped her and went away with the unknown guy. She thinks that he is poor, hence needed money and she is again going out with him. At home, Babi’s parents are angry at her because one of the guys got really bad injuries. So they are reporting the guy who was with her last night. She reveals his name in the end. Her sister thinks since she revealed Hugo’s name, she is in big trouble. Babi gets a call from Katina’s mother for some reason and decides to go on a local race, where she is present. Hugo arrives and again starts to tease her. She reveals to him that she told her parents that he is the one to break the guy’s nose at the party. To which his friend is afraid he might go to jail for it. But Hugo isn’t worried because he thinks when the day of the court will come, she will do anything to save him because she will be so crazy for him till that time will arrive. Right after they have a weird race in which they will have to put their girls on the back, meanwhile, they will race. She sits on an unknown bike with another man. They race for quite a while and in the end, one girl gets injured and all the cops come and arrest everyone. Before escaping from there, one cop is able to take their picture. She hides and waits for Hugo to come and he picks up later on, but not before giving her his jacket and changing clothes, while he watches her doing that. Later before leaving he tries to kiss her and asks if she will still tell about him in the court and she again says yes and slaps him. Hugo’s brother sees his and Babi’s pictures in the newspaper seems worried.
Next day, Hugo sneaks through her room window and puts a big poster of her and him together. So when she wakes up, it reminds her of him. She is really happy to see this, and it seems like she is falling in love with him. She decides to see Hugo once again at a party. Babi goes to the party and starts to dance, where Hugo arrives right after and touches her hand. She arrives back home after some time. Her mother catches her red-handed this time and finds out that she drank a little. Babi gets slapped by her mother before leaving for bed. 🌅💰🚪📰
Babi gets a call from Hugo, where he asks if he can see her. He asks what they will do tomorrow, to which she is willing to go anywhere. Next day, Babi is waiting for Hugo outside of her school. He picks her up, which is being watched by her teacher. While they were cruising around, Hugo sees a man with his mother inside a car. He starts to recall the memory when his mother left and he later found out about a man with her in a revealing position. He could not resist his anger and ended up beating the man brutally. He starts to beat metal with his hands because he could not believe his mother could do something like this, and this was the beginning of the bad guy. Babi hugs him and tries to calm him down. Later, he reveals that his father and brother believe that his mother is on a trip with her friend. There, they have lots of romantic moments before they leave back for town. 💔🏍️🏡
She starts to spend more time with Hugo and his biker gang. Hugo’s side girl comes and starts to trouble Babi a lot, and they both start to fight. Hugo and his mates come in the way, and Hugo takes her away. He assures her that he will never cheat on her. He takes her to a tattoo shop, and she happily gets a tattoo. Hugo comes to his house and finds Babi’s father. He wants to talk to Hugo about something. Hugo explains to Babi’s father that she is easing him up and there is nothing to worry about. When his brother tries to tell him that his actions will end him in jail, he accidentally acted a bit too aggressive. 🚓💍💪
At school, the teacher explains that she can get expelled from the school because she signed the absent leave letter herself. Her mother picks her up and pays an 8000 euro fine to save her from being expelled. She tells everything to Hugo, and he comes into her room through her window. He takes her to an empty pool at night, and they have a great time. 🏊‍♀️🌙💖
One day, Hugo goes to Babi’s school and talks to the teacher, telling her to stop and not give her any trouble in the future. She asks her father a favor, and he happily lets her go and decides to handle her mother. Hugo takes her somewhere far from town. They go to an old house with a beautiful spot, and there they have lots of quality time until the next morning. 🏡❤️🌄
Next day, again when Babi and Hugo were having quality moments, his friend arrives with all his friends and starts to party. Seeing this, Babi gets very angry and throws everyone away, including Hugo. Hugo does something that amazes her with wonders and writes on a building that he loves her. He later learns how to make good food, just for Babi. He calls her and gets to know that her mother’s ring had been missing since their friends were at her house. This was enough to make him super angry. He goes up to his gang mates and starts to fight with the leader until the girl gives him the missing ring. Hugo goes back to Babi’s house and returns her the ring. Seeing him injured, she could not resist herself from taking care of his injuries. 🎉🍽️💍
It is the court date, and she is being asked what happened that night. Before leaving with Hugo, Babi scolds her mother and makes her cry. Hugo also assures her that he will change for her. Her mother decides to throw a party because Babi is turning 18 soon. She also goes away to gift her teacher, but sees Pepita there and realizes that Hugo was the one who abducted Pepita earlier, and she runs away from there. 😔🎉🎈
Soon Babi arrives at Hugo’s apartment and wants to talk. Babi scolds him and decides to separate from him. It is the party day, and Babi is getting ready, meanwhile Hugo is still thinking about her. Hugo’s friend is again going on the race, but Hugo is nowhere to be found. He finally arrives at Babi’s party, and it seems like he had finally changed for her. She was stunned to see him change. They slowly come closer and start to kiss each other. Meanwhile, his friend is on the verge of winning the race, and it does not take too long before his friend meets with an accident. They get to know about his friend not so soon after. He gets to know that Pollo is no more. Seeing this, Hugo starts to cry brutally. Babi could not take this anymore and just wants to leave. This ends in a disaster because he slaps Babi before she leaves. Hugo starts to do pull-ups, thinking of all the things happening in his life. Meanwhile, Babi was spending more time with her neighbor. She forgets him and deletes his number while he is suffering from all the pain. 😢💔🎢
One day she was on a call, and someone arrives at the apartment. It was Katina, who wishes him a happy Christmas. She gives him a gift of his and Pollo’s picture, to which he starts to cry. They both have not met Babi after the accident. She suggests him to forget about Babi because she is going with this other guy. Later he goes to the same phone booth to talk to Babi and calls. Her mother picks up the call but does not give the phone to Babi. He sees them going out in a car. He could not take it anymore and stays outside of his apartment and cries in agony. 😢💔📞
In the end, we can see Hugo and his brother, where Hugo is telling his brother that he is going for work because he cannot stay here. He starts to remember at what point it all began. You realize that things only happen once. No matter how hard you try, you never feel the same. You will never feel three meters above the sky. 🌌💭🎶


Happy reading “Short Love Story A Shy Girl Falls In Love With Gangster” with Utsava Time!  📚🎉

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